VanGore vs Zach Reno - Weekend Wrestling
Apologies to those who were waiting for me to share this match highlight. After posted that I would be doing so, a couple of you messaged me asking (politely) WHERE THE HELL IS IT? 😆 Well, here it is lol. VanGore vs Zach Reno - Weekend Wrestling When I saw this match preview the week of it's release, I knew I was going to have to check it out and share my thoughts about it here before I even watched it. Any match with the 7ft 300lb beast of a man VanGore will instantly get my attention. Seeing he was up against Zach Reno, an underground favorite with a bit of a heel streak of his own over the years, sealed the deal for me. I swear he just gets hotter and hotter as the years go by. When he's done flexing, Zach sees VanGore in the opposite corner of the ring. Knowing he may not stand a chance being in such a mismatch, he offers to pay the giant an undisclosed amount of money and also suggests a partnership. "We'd be unstoppable!" They very well may be...but ...