I will be totally honest. I was really REALLY skeptical of Wrestlingmale when it first opened. I was only remotely familiar with Etienne and found their prices (typically $30-$35) a little steep. My reluctance was quickly put to sleep after my first purchase. The WM roster now boasts a roster of 30+ fighters of various skill levels and backgrounds. They also offer match types that will cater to just about any of your wrestling kinks. I'm 31 and have been a gay wrestling fan since I came across Can-Am when I was still in high school. Without question, Wrestlingmale, and in particular those matches that feature Etienne, are some of the most erotic matches I own (and my library is respectable.) From the gear, lighting, dialogue, camera work, slow-motion segments, the grunting, and the primal energy exhibited by all the fighters, the matches they produce have become a literal form of art. I typically budget enough to purchase 2-3 matches each month from various comp...