KSW Reader survey results
I couldn't really come up with a good banner for this post, so for the first time and probably the last, I let AI do most of the work 😂 Thanks to everyone who took the time to fill out my reader survey! I was hoping for at least 50 responses and got almost 60 😘 Lets take a look at the results: Question 1: Well this is good news! Only 2 of you said no. I've always thought that maybe most readers just stop by for the gifs/photos. Question 2: HEY NOW WAIT A MINUTE HERE! Just kidding. I honestly though this would be at least 50/50. To those of you that answered yes, don't worry I understand lol Question 3: I really should have worded this one differently, but overall I got the info I was curious about. Most of us don't care for streaming being the only option for a match. Personally, I'm in the both category. I like to download matches but also still have them available to watch online. This way I can watch on different devices and it's also not taking up space on...