Hans Auslander vs Lobo Gris - OnlyFans
Hans Auslander vs Lobo Gris - OnlyFans Hans has released a handful of great matches on his OnlyFans so far this summer. Some with familiar faces, and a few that might be new to you. I enjoyed them all and it was a tough call deciding which of those to highlight here, so I went with his most recent match (which is a rematch) against Lobo Gris. One of the big draws for me when it comes to indie content you can find on OnlyFans or WatchFighters is it takes a lot of the flash and flair out of the equation and really captures the "underground" aspect of underground wrestling. I'm not saying those are bad things at all, because many of you reading this know I'm obviously a big pro style guy and I love a good production with all the lights and scripting. There's always something about matches like this, filmed in someones mat room or other makeshift location that really gets me going. Anyways, lets talk about the match! This is 90% on the mats (I'm sure that chandel...