Punk Punishment: Wes Richards vs Ethan Andrews - RHW
So, I did some thinking. I was so satisfied with the Cody vs Dash match from 88Wrestling (I'm definitely a big fan of the company now) I decided I should revisit 88's predecessor, Rock Hard Wrestling. Looks like I'm totally unfamiliar with their final 2 catalogs. One match caught my eye right away. A well known underground vet tormenting a hot tattooed rookie? Yes please. And wow...hot is an understatement for Wes 😍 I want to note this is going to be a very basic review. Not because I didn't like it. I loved it. I fucking loved every sweat soaked dick twitching minute. I'm just totally dead from a long day at work and I have one more to go in the morning. I want to get my thoughts out and blogged down while they are as fresh as possible. Wes Richards vs Ethan Andrews - RHW Luckly for us, Wes loves to try to bridge out of holds Not even 3 full minutes in, and the sweat begins to shine Nothing but confidence from Ethan Again, I say...