Beach Battle! Jacob Van Acker vs Joey Nux - W4H

This is my first time watching a JVA match. I've been keeping an eye on his matches for a while now. He has a great body and can pull off both the fuzzy or smooth boy next door look

He has a handful of matches available at Wrestler4Hire and recently several new releases over at Thunders Arena as well. 

I woke up this afternoon (I'm on the night shift this week don't judge me 😆) with an email from Cameron at W4H talking about his blog and the usual promotion of new and recent matches. The photo banner for the Jacob vs Joey battle caught my eye before I even started reading the whole email. The very first photo was of a soaking wet Jacob Van Acker out cold (I'm assuming) with the hand of chiseled Joey Nux around his throat. Instaboner! I needed to see more.

I clicked the match link and while I couldn't find a photo gallery on that page, I did find it on Jacob's wrestler profile page. 

Holy fuck. 
Just from these 2 photos alone, there are a number of scenarios we can all come up with as to what is happening and how poor Jacob came to be choked out on the beach by the bigger and stronger Joey Nux.
Anyways, I quickly jumped out of bed and didn't even think twice about hitting that "buy"button.

We start off with both men on the beach. Cocky jobber alert! Jacob is all smiles while Joey demands Jacob swim off of "his" beach. Uh oh Joey...looks like you're going to have to make him!

Jacob immediately regrets his decision to trespass and is quickly overpowered by the muscle hunk. Joey is sure to show off the body and package of Jacob for our viewing pleasure! Plenty of trash talk too.

Don't assume this is a squash. Jacob has been around long enough to keep a few tricks up his sleeve and mount a defense. He takes his opponent by surprise and manages to bring the big man down with an improvised sleeper followed by a pretty tight cradle! JVA is stronger than he looks.

Don't let this deter you if you were looking for a beat down. There is plenty plenty more trash talk, flexing, and dominance from Joey, and eventually we hear:

"It's your beach!"
"I quit!"

but the suffering has just begun for Jacob...

All of the gifs I've posted are from no more than 6 minutes in to this almost 20 minute match. Shear brutality and bodily destruction follows with Jacob in what I can only describe as beautiful agony. He is put through submission after submission. Chokes, sleepers, boston crabs, bearhugs, backbreakers, racks, and more...the whole time screaming for this nautical nightmare to end, wishing he had never stepped foot on the beach. No more spoilers after this, but I can promise you will not be disappointed with your purchase.

I should add...the lighting in this match isn't the greatest, but it wasn't so bad that it took anything away from the enjoyment. It's an outdoor match obviously, so it was out of Cam and the gangs control.

As I said above, the choke out picture from the W4H email newsletter is what turned me on to this match, but even without that scene this was more than worth it. What a great introduction of Jacob Van Acker for me and a match that will be sure to have those who are already fans of either Jacob or Joey blowing their loads in no time.

I don't want to overlook Joey Nux either. He's a great muscle heel and pulled off his role as the dominant beach bully very very well. The match chemistry between these 2 made it even better!
Jacob is obviously an amazing jobber and can suffer and sell with the best of them, but I wouldn't mind seeing him in an even back and forth match. TJ Reks, Aaron Lopez, Blake Starr...all would be great opponents for a hot even match with Jacob. I will be purchasing more of his matches in the near future, and will take a closer look at his work at Thunders as well.

There is the potential for a theme here outside of just matches on the beach. Maybe this will stay Joey's beach for a while. Who will step up to dethrone him and claim the W4H beach as their own? Would be fun series I think. Guess we will see!

Well...time for me to go sweat my ass off all night at work. Big heat wave coming this week. Perfect time to stay inside and check out some more matches. If you have any suggestions or matches you think I'd like or that I should consider purchasing and reviewing, let me know! Stay cool!


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