KSW Knockout Awards 2021

It's time for the blog post I look forward to alllll year long! The annual KSW Knockout awards are here, where I highlight my favorites in multiple categories from the past year. Originally, I had 19 ideas for different categories, but for my own sanity and time management, I narrowed it down to 9 😆

I would like you to keep in mind that these are just my personal choices, and I know you all have your own favorites. I wasn't able to view nearly as many matches this year as I typically do, but these are selections from matches that I did manage to check out. Agree or disagree, I would love for you to drop your thoughts in the comments section below the post. Ok, lets dive right in...

Favorite Wrestler of 2021

Sid Shaw

Silver: Butch J

 Bronze: Dash Decker


Favorite Heel of 2021

Joey Nux

Silver: Tyson "The Hammer"

Bronze: Dirty D

Favorite Jobber of 2021

Austin Lynch

Silver: Toney Rico

Bronze: Forrest Taylor

Favorite Debut of 2021

Rob Steel

Silver: Jonathan Alvarez

Bronze: Chucho Malverde

Favorite Mat Match of 2021

Xavier Cage vs Joe Black - Black Wrestling Network

Silver: Dark Jr vs Steve Mason vs David Rashnikov - HunksWrestling

Bronze: Jonathan Alvarez vs Steve Mason - HunksWrestling

Favorite Ring Match of 2021

Cameron Matthews vs Topher DiMaggio - Wrestler4Hire

Silver: Joey Cantrell vs Axel - UCW

Bronze: Mo Mason vs Tristan Mounts - WeekendWrestling

Favorite Erotic Match of 2021

Rex Brody vs Nick Milani - Muscleboy Wrestling

Silver: Rob Steel vs Tripp Evans - Muscleboy Wrestling

Bronze: Butch J vs Marius - WrestlingMale

Favorite Knockout of 2021

Lobo Gris vs Joey Cantrell - UCW

Silver: Lobo Gris vs Christian Thorn - Wrestler4Hire

Bronze: Gabe Steel vs Ace Aarons - BG East

Favorite Video Editing/Production of 2021


What a great year for underground wrestling! In a yet another 365 days full of continued uncertainty and anxiety, it was wonderful to see so many underground wrestlers and companies continue to thrive and produce some incredible content. Our community is strong and growing! I can't wait to see what 2022 has in store.


  1. I must admit, I haven't seen a lot of thses matches or wrestlers. It just goes to show how much variety there is in underground wrestling.

    I agree Dirty D is a great Heel. It was obvious he loved squashing Travis. It's good to see Dash and Joey Nux are still improving, even though they've been around for a while.

    Thanks for all the effort you put into your blog. All the best to you in the new year.


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