
Well, just under 2 full months into the new year and I realize I already broke my 2023 blogging resolution to post at least once a week. Whoops!

I've been having some fun with graphic design over the last couple of weeks. (I really want to stress the fun part. I'm no expert by any means)

I ended up scrapping that first one and opting for a different banner I made for my review of Brendan vs Brody. The other 2 are for reviews I'm still working on. Eventually, I'd love to make this into a little side gig. I'm considering making a design account on insta and/or twitter, but I'm also thinking about just using my current accounts. I'm leaning more towards this option.

I'm always open to wrestling related suggestions or requests. I'm really interested in making banners like you see above, or promo style posters for individual wrestlers.  Free of charge, as long as it's nothing too extravagant or super time consuming. Down the road once I get more skilled there might be a small fee, but it's just for fun for now. 

I obviously love blogging, but I really can't stress enough how much I love creating even more.  Feel free to hit me up if you are interested! 

Best way is by e-mail: kosubfed@gmail.com but a comment here is fine too

I have my wrestler of the month post (for March) almost complete. That should be up by the end of the week. I also have 5 drafts in the works for reviews...

Bam Bam Bossio vs Javier - Wrestler4Hire

Tanner Ripley vs Elite Eliot - Underground Wrestler

Riff Simmons vs Scrappy - WeekendWrestling

Silas vs Bordeux - Thunders

Dick Clayton vs The Handsome Strangler - Weekend Wrestling

As always, thanks for stopping by and reading! It sucks you have to log into a google account now to view my blog. Blogger used to just have the adult oriented content disclaimer you had to click which I felt was sufficient. I've explored other platform options, but for the time being I'm sticking with Blogger. It's by far the most user friendly and I've been here for years now.

More steamy underground wraslin' content coming soon 😋 



  1. Ok… cool.
    Really enjoy your writing on the reviews.
    And looking forward to your thoughts on Bossio vs Javier … I’ve had my eye on Javier in his Indy matches.😉

    1. Hey man, sorry just saw this comment. I'll get up my review of Bam Bam and Javier sometime soon. It was a really solid pro match for sure. I loved it!


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